9 a side football goal posts, otherwise known as 16x7ft (4.88 x 2.13m) goals brought to you by Euro Soccer Company, the one stop football shop. Our range of 16 x 7 goals includes PVC plastic goals and quality metal goals from the UK's leading manufacturer Harrod UK. We supply all types of full size 9-a-side goals including steel, aluminium, socketed, portable and fence folding goals. Browse the full range of affordable quality football goals.

16 x 7 (9-a-side) Football Goal Posts

16 x 7ft Football Goal Posts

9-a-side 16x7ft, supplied by Harrod UK (The UK's most reliable goal post supplier) and Samba. Our range of 9-a-side, include all types:

Samba - High Impact UPVC approved match goal, which includes bag, net, achors and net clips.

Steel - heavyweight freestanding, heavyweight socketed, super heavyweight socketed, super heavyweight socketed with locking sockets,

Aluminium - folding freesanding, 3G park socketed with drop in lids, 3G socketed stadium, 3G park socketed with locking lids, 3G portagoals, 3G weighted portagoals, integral weighted portagoals, 3G fence folding with projections.

All our 9-a-side goal post range meets all BS regulations and guidelines.

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