

Congratulations Dafydd Owen who has won our BIG Competition Giveaway winning the Mini Soccer Goal!


The BIG Christmas Give Away!

Win a Harrod Goal!

For a chance to win a Harrod 12 x 6ft Plastic Goal delivered straight to your home, simply follow the steps below;

  • Enter your name, telephone and email address into the boxes as requested
  • In the feedback box comment with "WIN" to qualify

You must fill in ALL of this information to qualify for a chance to win

If you DO NOT wish to receive future email correspondence from ourselves, please comment in the feedback box "opt out".

Example answer:

  • Arsene Wenger
  • 0800 5969695
  • WIN



  • Delivery to mainland UK only
  • You can enter up to 3 times (one per platform) on Facebook, Twitter & our website.
  • Competition closes Friday 18th December @ 9am
  • One lucky winner will be selected at random across all 3 platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Website)
  • By filling in this information you are happy for us to contact you in the future (unless otherwise stated)
  • Euro Soccer Company hold the right to cancel the promotion at any point

For another chance to WIN visit our Facebook & Twitter pages:

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