11 a side goals or 24 x 8 (7.32 x 2.44m)​ goal posts range includes all types of full size goals and football nets from Harrod UK, the leading post manufacturer. The quality range includes steel, aluminium, fence folding, socketed and portable goal posts. Our goals are suitable for all surfaces including grass, artificial 3G or astroturf surfaces. The goal posts are made to British Standards, so safety is a guarantee with the Harrod UK posts. Browse the full range for affordable prices.

24 x 8ft (11 a side - SNR)

Full size football goals 24 x 8, supplied by Harrod UK (The UK's most reliable goal post supplier). Our range of 11 a side goals, include all types: aluminium goals, steel goals, portable goals, socketed goals and fence folding goals. Our senior goal post range meets all BS regulations and guidelines at 7.32m x 2.44m.

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